Prepping Your Home for Fall & Winter (Tip 2 of 5)

It’s hard to imagine in the middle of August, but cooler temperatures are coming. This is the best time to prepare your home’s transition from hot Summer days to crisp Autumn evenings to freezing weather in Winter.  Each day this week, we will highlight an area of home maintenance homeowners should tackle now so they can focus on seasonal events and family holidays later this year.

Image result for frozen hoses

#2: Outdoor Faucets Maintenance: If your water hoses are left connected during colder temperatures, water inside the hoses can freeze and expand. This expansion can cause faucets and any connected pipes inside your home to freeze and break. To help prevent this, simply disconnect your water hoses, drain them of any remaining water, and store the hoses in a dry area. After you remove the hose, check the faucet for any leaks or drips. If any of your outdoor faucets leak or drip, fall is the time to fix them. A leaking faucet can lead to water damage and severe plumbing issues during a freeze. Once your outdoor faucets are fully fixed, cover and insulate the faucets with a styrofoam insulation kit.

Your home may be equipped with an interior shut-off valve that is connected to the outside faucets and plumbing. Shut off the interior valve and open the outdoor faucet valve to ensure there is no remaining water in the line that could freeze. If any of your pipes are housed in non-heated areas, such as a crawl space or a garage, it is crucial to ensure these pipes are insulated. This protection will help keep your pipes from freezing during the winter.