Tips On How To Handle Appliance Delays During A Remodel
Have you heard about the long delivery delays on new appliances? Kitchen remodels are challenging, but they can be even more difficult with current appliance delays of 6-8 months. These delays stem from the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact it is having on manufacturing around the globe. There are low supplies and rising costs of raw materials, not only for complete products, like a dishwasher, but for small components, like a microchip or a magnatron. These delays are estimated to continue for the next 18-24 months. So, how do you embark on a kitchen remodel in this environment? Here are a few tips that we hope will help you.
Delay your remodel. If you’d rather not deal with long timelines and limited options, don’t start a remodel anytime soon. Waiting for a normalization of the remodeling timeline, might mean better pricing and a smoother process, although nothing is guaranteed.
If you cannot delay your remodel, then plan to order your appliances early. When prospective clients call our office and communicate their desire for a kitchen renovation, we let them know they need to get their appliances ordered right away. If ordered now, hopefully, they will be ready for installation by late Spring of 2022. Not sure if you know what size/specs to order?
Work with a professional. If you are not sure what will be needed, a design team can help you with the decisions early in the process and delay construction to fit the delivery schedule. As well, a professional can work with vendors on delays and missing/damaged goods. This will save you time and stress during the remodel.
If you are replacing appliances of the same size, you can start the remodel before the new appliances arrive and in some cases, keep the old appliances in place. There may be extra cost involved with installation, but it will be worth having appliances for as long as possible.
When ordering new appliances, be flexible with brands, styles, and sizes. Ask the professionals about appliances that may be available at this time. Explore different finishes, different sizes or a model that might be dual-fueled.
If you end up with a repair job and appliances must be replaced, set up a temporary kitchen while you’re waiting. You might use a hot plate, air fryer, electric griddle, toaster oven, grill, mini fridge, and plenty of labeled storage bins as substitutions while you wait. As well, watch Craig’s List or discount stores for refurbished models to help you get by.
Most importantly, have patience. Everyone is experiencing delays, so please be kind to the professionals who are advocating for you. The delays are out of their hands, but they are your greatest resource to ensure that the remodel will be finished well.
If you have any questions or comments, please, feel free to leave them below or give us a call. We’re here to help!