Designing Around Pets

It goes without saying that pet owners love their animals. But for those of us who have four-legged friends underfoot, there are always a few things that we could do without. Smelly litter boxes, ugly pet beds, unsightly carpet-covered cat structures, and fur-covered cushions are just a few items on the list. We all deal, because, well … it’s worth it. But fear not fellow animal lovers — there are solutions to our troubles. Yup, you can still be stylish without sacrificing any of your animal’s comfort. Check out these pet problems that were solved with design (on

1. Furry, unattractive beds. This built-in cushion is a nifty way to incorporate your furry companion’s equally furry bed into a neat little hideaway. You can customize it to match your decor, and it keeps the pet hair (the bane of any dog/cat owner’s existence) in the nook.