Don’t Just Change the Clocks!

Do more than just change your clocks this weekend!

daylightBefore going to bed tonight, be sure to set your clocks ahead 1 hour… but other items in your home need attention too!  Here are 5 household tasks you should do along with saving daylight:

1. Change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Take the time to make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order and have fresh batteries. Flames can consume a home in as little as five minutes, and the risk of fatalities in a fire is reduced 51% in homes with working smoke alarms.

2. Flip your mattress.
To make sure your mattress wears evenly, you should flip it every six months. Got a pillowtop? Just rotate it instead of turning it over.

3. Take stock of your medicine cabinet and pantry.
Now is a great time to declutter your stash of food and medical supplies. Toss anything that has expired.

4. Replace or clean filters around your house.
You should inspect the filters in your heating and air-conditioning units to make your systems are still running well, but also check the water filter in your fridge and HEPA filter in your vacuum.

5. Check your emergency kit.
If you’ve depleted your supply of flashlight batteries, bandages, and other just-in-case items over the past six months, use this time to restock.  You will be glad you did when packing for Spring Break and camping trips this Summer.